Piotr Zembrowski

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Reviews (18)
Hardys Hrb Heritage Reserve Bin Shiraz 2007, Mclaren Vale & Clare Valley, South Australia
South Australia, Australia$26.75
Campbells Rutherglen Muscat, Rutherglen, Victoria (375ml)
Sweet, syrupy, but quite complex and satisfying.
Eric Forest L'ame Forest Pouilly Fuissé 2009, Burgundy
Burgundy, France$20.75
Nutty, a bit smokey, not too buttery, complex, interesting.
Rolly Gassmann Stegreben De Rorschwihr Gewurztraminer 2009, Ac Alsace
Alsace, France$27.95
This wine is not "just off-dry" as John Szabo writes. It is quite sweet. Too sweet, without balancing acidity. The nose is intriguing, but then the overwhelming sweetness disappoints.
Bachelder Oregon Chardonnay 2010, Willamette Valley
Oregon, Usa$29.95
Nutty, a touch of burnt butter or creme brulee, nicely balanced though.