WineAlign Exchange Information
There are multiple benefits to partnering with us in our Exchange program:
- You are paid just before wines ship to consumers; no payment terms and no chasing down payments.
- All purchasing is completely automated – you don’t deal with credit cards, we do.
- One stop delivery of all wines to our cellaring facility.
- Move large volumes with no sales expenses.
- Reconciliation spreadsheets have complete customer details, all fees, and will balance to the penny with your Merchant account.
- Financial transactions are directly with customer. They get a receipt from your organization.
- If a customer asks for an invoice, it is easy to prepare invoice from spreadsheets.
- Potential for follow on case sales that can be made with only a few mouse clicks.
How will it work?
- You register your agency with our Merchant Gateway and provide your banking information. Click here for more information about how this works.
- You will receive full customer details in a reconciliation spreadsheet. Invoices are only required if customer requests them.
- We facilitate the transaction and the customer will receive a purchase email from you with your logo and contact information.
- Consumer’s credit card statement will say: “WINE – Your Agency/Winery”.
- Money will be deposited into your Merchant Gateway account immediately less a 12% commission (+HST) and credit card processing fees (2.9% + $0.30/transaction). Merchant Gateway balances are transferred to your bank account every few days.
- You deliver all the wines to the Exchange cellaring facility. One stop delivery.
- You will receive an (already paid) invoice for our commission at month end to allow you to reconcile your books.
What are your costs?
- A 12% commission on the base cost of the wine + HST
- A credit card processing fee of 2.9% + $0.30/transaction
- Cost to deliver wines to our Toronto warehouse
Our critics will review the submitted wines and decide as a group which wines will become part of our Exchange offering.
Please send samples to:
The Exchange
c/o WineAlign
217 – 4195 Dundas St. West
Toronto, ON, M8X 1Y4
Please note that we’ve moved down the hall to a new office (Suite 217).
Our offices are open from 9am to 5pm (Mon – Fri). Please knock and leave the package in the hall once we have acknowledged you.
If you have any questions you can contact us at [email protected] .